Turnover/revenues and expenditure in facilities of health care. Classification: year, Germany, type of facility, revenue groups Info

Shown values refer to:
Year: 2018, Type of facility: Massage practices, physiotherapists, practices of medical bath attendants, midwives and maternity nurses and related professions

Revenue groupsTurnover and expenditure
Recorded companies expandTurnover per company
in 1,000 € 
expandTotal expenditure in
% of turnover total 
collapseAll revenue groups31,497243.963.8
from 17,500 € to less than 100,000 €6,35564.953.5
from 17,500 to less than 250,000 €...
from 100,000 € to less than 250,000 €14,460161.757.0
from 250,000 € to less than 500,000 €8,051343.361.8
from 500,000 to less than 1,000,000 €2,263630.271.1
500,000 € and more...
1,000,000 € and more3682,018.184.3
Table was compiled on 25. Apr 2024 18:18 under www.gbe-bund.de
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Table shows following page dimension(s)New selection:
DimensionCurrent dimension valueList of dimension values
Type of facilityMassage practices, physiotherapists, practices of medical bath attendants, midwives and maternity nurses and related professions

Change dimension:DimensionRowColumnPage
Turnover and expenditure
Revenue groups
Type of facility
The table has 24 cells (8 rows and 3 columns).  

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  (On the page "Value selection" you can choose for every dimension any dimension value for your selection.)

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The Federal Health Monitoring System 25. Apr 2024