Self-medication: indication fields with greatest turnover in pharmacies, drugstores and consumer markets, food retail markets, discount stores and mail order companies (in millions of Euros). Classification: years, Germany, indication fields Info

Shown values refer to:

Indication fieldsYear (descending)
expand2001 Info expand2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 
collapseAll indications4,2674,7524,663---
Tranquillisation and sleep221202179191198213
Skin and mcous membranches, wound healing agents335339417437468486
Cardiac, cirruculation and veins agents338461402380365355
Cough and cold remedies8661,1141,1931,1711,1841,341
Stomach and digestion559609643638601620
collapseAnalgesics/muscle pain and arthralgia806813825-909960
Rheumatism and muscle pain agents330334376373..
Tonics and geriatric agents (including garlic)260188123111114114
Vitamins and minerals399389260252241242
Table was compiled on 18. Apr 2024 4:40 under
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The Federal Health Monitoring System 18. Apr 2024