Number of pharmacies subject to sales tax and turnover in 1,000 €. Classification: years, Germany, groups in terms of size of turnover

Shown values refer to:
Presentation: Number of pharmacies

Groups in terms of size of turnoverYear (descending)
expand2000 Info expand2005 expand2010 expand2015 2020 2021 2022 
  16,617 to less than 50,000 €409......
  16,621 to less than 50,000 €.......
  17,501 to less than 50,000 €.340339140...
  22.001 to less than 50.000 €....10780101
  50,000 to less than 100,000 €395344382222170177153
100,000 to less than 250,000 €433464430335292255252
250,000 to less than 500,000 €1,443866661397289249273
500,000 to less than 1 mio. €7,8384,8853,1881,821823666589
  1 mio. to less than 2 mio. €9,7339,9927,8476,1263,8583,1302,819
  2 mio. to less than 5 mio. €2,2004,2765,4506,1706,7646,8056,728
  5 mio. to less than 10 mio. €1303838361,3462,0152,3582,428
10 mio. to less than 25 mio. €2376210388677851915
25 mio. to less than 50 mio. €..3855106127139
50 mio. to less than 100 mio. €...18192631
collapse25 mio. to less than 100 mio. €23..73125153170
100 mio. to less than 250 mio. €...3...
250 mio. € and more.......
Table was compiled on 23. Apr 2024 16:7 under
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PresentationNumber of pharmacies

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Groups in terms of size of turnover
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The Federal Health Monitoring System 23. Apr 2024