Activities of workplace health promotion in cooperation with the Statutory Health Insurance in Germany. Classification: years, branch of industry

Shown values refer to:
Presentation: absolute

Branch of industryYear (descending)
collapseAll branches---2,5164,2635,7966,8648,30211,825
collapseManufacturing industry---1,4021,7842,1551,8181,9772,963
expandTextile and clothing industry, leather
      industry, wood industry
Nutrition industry and tabacco processing---317237261209183260
Metal production, metalworking, manufacture
      of metal products
Manufacture of office maschines, data
      processing equipments and facilities,
      electrical engineering, precision
      engineering and optics
Manufacture of data processing equipment,
      electrical and optical products, electrical
expandManufacture of rubber/plastic products,
      industry, manufacture of ceramics, non-
      metallic mineral processing
Vehicle construction---80104235199226370
expandCokery, mineral oil processing, manufacture
      and processing of nuclear fuel, chemical
      of furniture, jewellery, musical
      sport equipment, toys and other products;
Paper, publishing and print industry---551091219497140
expandCommerce: wholesale trade/retail industry;
      with vehicles; maintenance and repair of
      vehicles and consumer goods
expandFurther services (economic, other public/
      personal services, property and housing)
Agriculture and forestry---171129652739
Mining and the extraction of stone and soils---41017181321
Public utilities (energy and water)---41107164...
Public utilities (energy and water), sewage
      disposal, waste disposal, recycling, other
Construction industry---228169276338205356
Catering industry/gastronomy---1533726160130
Public administration, defense, social
      security system
Education and instruction---39145172235584737
Health and social sciences Info---2716319771,6401,5892,104
Branch not reported---6440325984783
Table was compiled on 19. Apr 2024 18:38 under
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The Federal Health Monitoring System 19. Apr 2024