Seniors involved in road traffic accidents with injured persons (number and per 100,000 inhabitants). Classification: years, Germany, age, sex, traffic participation, including person mainly responsible

Shown values refer to:
Age: 65 years and older, Sex: All sexes, Active part: Persons involved altogether, absolute/per 100,000 inhabitants: Number

Traffic participationYear (descending)
2003 2004 expand2005 expand2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 
collapseAll road users55,98156,82259,90359,62573,33875,55274,86979,73877,92768,85366,812
collapseDriver of motor vehicles total38,88339,59141,58941,99751,70953,17553,19355,95254,33144,95144,359
Driver of motorcycles with insurance certificate Info1,0611,0191,0721,1181,3491,2611,2321,3931,2411,1411,036
Driver of motorcycles with registration number Info8268691,0311,1181,7301,6911,8622,2072,0342,0401,966
Driver of passenger cars35,54636,25037,90338,08946,78148,36848,12450,21148,97639,88239,309
Driver of motor buses115110121167210218223288265159196
Driver of trucks7907949151,0081,1051,1061,1721,2011,1489601,028
Driver of agricultural tractors317316309231237217220249197219205
Driver of other motor vehicles228233238266297314360403470550619
Driver of bicycles Info10,08410,01210,99710,99914,10514,58514,24516,07316,07617,82616,755
Pedestrian Info6,7686,9306,9986,2427,1467,3436,9917,2297,0595,6965,365
Other Info246289319387378449440484461380333
Table was compiled on 24. Apr 2024 7:40 under
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Table shows following page dimension(s)New selection:
DimensionCurrent dimension valueList of dimension values
Age65 years and older
SexAll sexes
Active partPersons involved altogether
absolute/per 100,000 inhabitantsNumber

Change dimension:DimensionRowColumnPage
Traffic participation
Active part
absolute/per 100,000 inhabitants
The table has 132 cells (12 rows and 11 columns).  

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The Federal Health Monitoring System 24. Apr 2024