Updated: 13 Feb 2017

The 50 most frequent operations of full-time patients in hospitals (rank, number, percentage). Classification: years, Germany, sex, type of operation Info

Shown values refer to:
Year: 2022, Sex: All sexes

Types of operationFigures
Rank Number Percent 
5-032 Access to lumbal spine, to os sacrum and os coccygis3324,6932.0
5-144 Extracapsular extraction of eye lens (ECCE)3993,9220.6
5-215 Operations on lower concha nasalis26125,7340.8
5-377 Implantation of pacemaker, defibrillator and event recorder Info32114,9120.7
5-381 Endarterectomy29119,8990.8
5-399 Other operations on blood vessels25127,1570.8
5-452 Local excision and destruction of diseased colon tissue10201,9531.3
5-455 Partial resection of colon4282,2930.5
5-469 Other operations on intestine1377,9542.4
5-470 Appendectomy4093,8810.6
5-511 Cholecystectomy12190,1021.2
5-513 Endoscopical operations on bile ducts4283,6831.8
5-530 Closure of hernia inguinalis16162,7941.0
5-541 Laparotomy and opening of retroperitoneum5074,1130.5
5-573 Transurethral incision, excision, destruction and resection of
      (diseased) tissue of urinary bladder
5-601 Transurethral excision und destruction of prostate tissue4579,9030.5
5-704 Vaginal colporrhaphy and colpoperineoplasty4877,4050.5
5-749 Other caesarean section5261,0501.6
5-758 Rekonstruction of female genital organs after rupture, post partum
      (perineal laceration)
5-784 Bone transplantation and transposition4974,8770.5
5-786 Osteosynthesis procedure33113,3560.7
5-787 Removal of osteosynthesis material21146,0440.9
5-788 Operation on metatarsal bones and phalanges of foot35103,6540.7
5-790 Closed reposition of fracture or epiphysis solution with
5-793 Open reposition of simple fracture near the joint of a long hollow
5-794 Open reposition of multi-fragment fracture near the joint of a long
      hollow bone
5-800 Open surgical operation of joint18159,3901.0
5-810 Arthroscopical operation of joint34103,7240.7
5-811 Arthroscopical operation on Synovialis22145,4400.9
5-812 Arthroscopical operation on articular cartilage and menisci17159,8691.0
5-820 Implantation of cox-endoprothesis6255,8861.6
5-822 Implantation of gon-endoprothesis11199,5271.3
5-831 Excision of diseased intervertebral disc tissue24140,3150.9
5-870 Partial (breast-preserving) excision of mamma and destruction of
      mamma tissue excluding axillary lymphadenectomy
5-892 Other incision on skin and sub-dermis28122,0760.8
5-894 Local excision of diseased skin and subcutaneous tissue4381,4410.5
5-895 Radical and expanded excision of diseased skin and subcutaneous
5-896 Surgical wound toilet [wound debridement] with escision of diseased
      tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue
5-900 Simple restoration of surface continuity on skin and sub-cutis15170,5271.1
5-401 Excision of single lymphatic glands and lymphatic vessels3895,1240.6
      814 Arthroscopical refixation and plastic on capsule ligament complex of
      shoulder joint
5-903 Local flap plastic surgery on skin and subcutis3797,4970.6
5-916 Temporary coverage of soft tissue13181,3901.1
5-839 Otherperations on spine9204,7851.3
5-832 Excision of diseased bone and joint tissue of spine31115,7280.7
5-562 Ureterotomy, percutaneous transrenal and transurethral stone
5-158 Pars-plana-Vitrektomie3698,4650.6
5-83b Osteosynthesis (dynamic stabilisation) on the backbone20148,3390.9
5-829 Other plastic surgery on joint4480,6990.5
5-850 Incision on muscle, tendon and fascia4679,8170.5
All operations Info      15,918,053100.0
Sum of 50 most frequent operations Info      7,540,61947.4
Table was compiled on 25. Apr 2024 19:17 under www.gbe-bund.de
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The Federal Health Monitoring System 25. Apr 2024