Expenditure for services ensuring participation within the statutory pension insurance (SPI) (in millions of Euros/in Euro per insured person). Classification: years, Germany, pension fund organizations

Shown values refer to:
Pension fund organizations: All financing institutions of the statutory pension insurance, in million €/in € per insured person: in million Euro

ExpenditureYear (descending)
collapseGross expenditure for rehabilitation4,984.94,753.65,514.06,160.05,848.56,001.86,179.36,874.57,001.3
expandNet expenditure for rehabilitation4,838.14,620.95,378.76,021.66,192.76,382.86,589.06,742.06,882.8
Table was compiled on 20. Apr 2024 9:8 under www.gbe-bund.de
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Table shows following page dimension(s)New selection:
DimensionCurrent dimension valueList of dimension values
Pension fund organizationsAll financing institutions of the statutory pension insurance
in million €/in € per insured personin million Euro

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Pension fund organizations
in million €/in € per insured person
The table has 18 cells (2 rows and 9 columns).  

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The Federal Health Monitoring System 20. Apr 2024