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Data from Germany
- Data Sources of the Federal Statistical Office
Consumer statistics,
[Data Source]
Cost structure in health care facilities,
[Data Source]
Cost structure statistics - practices of psychological therapists,
[Data Source]
Cost structure statistics - medical practitioners' and dentists' practices,
[Data Source]
Cost structure statistics - non-medical practitioners' consulting rooms,
[Data Source]
Cost-of-illness accounts,
[Data Source]
Determination of the territory,
[Data Source]
Emission Reporting by the Federal Environment Agency - National Trend Tables for the German Atmospheric Emission Reporting,
[Data Source]
European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC),
[Data Source]
Health expenditure accounts,
[Data Source]
Health Workforce Accounts,
[Data Source]
Hospital statistics - basic data of the hospitals and the prevention or rehabilitation facilities,
[Data Source]
Hospital statistics - cost certification,
[Data Source]
Hospital statistics - diagnostic data of the hospital patients,
[Data Source]
Hospital statistics - diagnostic data of the patients of prevention and rehabilitation facilities,
[Data Source]
Housing allowance statistics,
[Data Source]
Income tax statistics,
[Data Source]
Microcensus - health questions,
[Data Source]
Microcensus - Labor force Survey,
[Data Source]
Microcensus - questions on those coverd by health insurance,
[Data Source]
Migration statistics,
[Data Source]
National accounts,
[Data Source]
Nursing care statistics - home care facilities, residental care facilities: basic data, staff available, persons in need of care, welfare recipients of nursing care services,
[Data Source]
Population projection,
[Data Source]
Public assistance statistics - Public assistance expenditure and revenues,
[Data Source]
Public assistance statistics - Recipients of basic security benefits due to old age or reduced earning capactiy (Chapter 4 SGB XII),
[Data Source]
Public assistance statistics - Recipients of beneficiaris of integration assistance according to SGB IX,
[Data Source]
Public assistance statistics - recipients of benefits according to chapter 5 to 9 SGB XII,
[Data Source]
Public assistance statistics - recipients of benefits according to chapters 5 to 9 SGB XII,
[Data Source]
Public assistance statistics - recipients of subsistence payments (Chapter 3 SGB XII),
[Data Source]
Public Health Service Workforce,
[Data Source]
Recipients of benefits under the Asylum-Seekers Benefits Act,
[Data Source]
Reimbursement systems for hospital inpatients
DRG-Statistics und PEPP-Statistik,
[Data Source]
Statistics of ependiture and revenues of the integration assistance according to Code of Social Law IX,
[Data Source]
Statistics of public children and youth welfare - Gefährdungseinschätzungen nach § 8a Absatz 1 SGB VIII,
[Data Source]
Statistics on illnesses which require registration - sexually transmitted diseases,
[Data Source]
Statistics on illnesses which require registration - tuberculosis statistics,
[Data Source]
Statistics on other illnesses which require registration,
[Data Source]
Statistics on road traffic accidents,
[Data Source]
Statistics on terminations of pregnancy (abortions),
[Data Source]
Statistics on the causes of death,
[Data Source]
Statistics on the natural change of the population,
[Data Source]
Statistics on the severely handicapped persons,
[Data Source]
Time consumption of private households (time budget survey / time use Survey - TUS),
[Data Source]
University statistics - examination statistics,
[Data Source]
University statistics - senior lecturer statistics,
[Data Source]
University statistics - statistics on the staff posts,
[Data Source]
University statistics - statistics on the university staffs,
[Data Source]
University statistics - student statistics,
[Data Source]
Update of the state of the population,
[Data Source]
Updating of the housing stock (data processing system),
[Data Source]
Value added tax statistics (preliminary),
[Data Source]
Vocational training statistics,
[Data Source]