Logo European Core Health Indicators (ECHI)

Indikatoren - European Core Health Indicators (ECHI)

Select topics

Demographic and socio-economic factors

Indicator 1: Population by sex and age
Indicator 2: Birth rate, crude
Indicator 4: Total fertility rate
Indicator 5: Population projections

Health status

Indicator 10: Life expectancy
Indicator 12: Perinatal mortality
Indicator 13: Disease-specific mortality
Indicator 14: Drug-related deaths
Indicator 18: Selected communicable diseases
Indicator 19: HIV/AIDS
Indicator 21a: Self-reported diabetes
Indicator 23a: Self-reported depression
Indicator 24: Acute myocardial infarction
Indicator 25: Stroke
Indicator 26a: Self-reported asthma
Indicator 27a: Self-reported COPD
Indicator 28: Low birth weight
Indicator 30b: Injuries: road traffic: register-based incidence
Indicator 31: Injuries: workplace
Indicator 33: Self-perceived health
Indicator 34: Self-reported chronic morbidity
Indicator 35: Long-term activity limitations

Health determinants

Indikator 42: Body mass index
Indicator 44: Regular smokers
Indicator 46: Total alcohol consumption
Indicator 49: Consumption of fruits
Indicator 50: Consumption of vegetables

Health interventions: health services

Indikator 57: Vaccination rate in elderly
Indicator 62: Hospital beds
Indicator 66: Medical technologies (CT/MRI)
Indicator 67: Hospital in-patient discharges, selected diagnoses
Indicator 68: Hospital day-cases, selected diagnoses
Indicator 69: Hospital day-cases as percentage of total patient population (in-patients and day-cases), selected diagnosis
Indicator 70: Average length of stay, selected diagnoses
Indikator 76: Insurance coverage
Indicator 77: Health expenditure in percent of GDP
Indicator 79: 30-day in-hospital case-fatality of AMI and stroke
Indicator 80: Equity of access to health care services