The most comprehensive collection of data on our healthcare system.

We offer you more than three billion figures and ratios free of charge in the form of clear tables. The online database of federal health reporting (GBE) brings together health data and health information from over 100 different sources in a central location, including many surveys by the federal and state statistical offices, but also surveys by numerous other institutions from the health sector.

Search by Topics

Symbolbild Health Status

Health Status

  • Mortality
  • Health Status, Ailments
  • Disabilities
  • Consequences of Illness
  • Consequences of Treatment
Symbolbild Behavioural and Risk Aspects of Health

Behavioural and Risk Aspects of Health

  • Life-Style
  • Prevention
  • Violence
  • Environment
  • Working Environment
  • Accidents
  • Poverty and Health
  • Health Information
  • other
Symbolbild Health Care System

Health Care System

  • Health Protection and Health Promotion
  • Prevention
  • Patient orientation
  • Employees and Facilities of Healthcare
  • Pharmaceutical Supply, Aids and Appliances/‌Non-medical Therapy
  • Medical Processes, Medical Examinations and Therapies
Symbolbild Diseases/‌Health Problems

Diseases/‌Health Problems

  • Cardio-vascular Diseases
  • Cancer/‌Malignant Neoplasms
  • Musculoskeletal Diseases
  • Psychiatric Disorders and Nervous Diseases
  • Respiratory Diseases
  • Endocrine Diseases
  • Digestive Diseases
  • Genitourinary Diseases
  • Allergies
  • Infections
  • Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
  • Industrial Diseases
  • Injuries, toxications
  • other Diseases
  • Diseases in General
Symbolbild Expenditures, Costs and Financing

Expenditures, Costs and Financing

  • Expenditures
  • Costs
  • Economic key data of facilities
  • Financing
  • Co-Payments, Out-of-Pocket Expenditures
  • other
Symbolbild Framework Conditions

Framework Conditions

  • Laws
  • Population
  • Pregnancy, Births
  • Terminations of Pregnancy
  • Households, Families, Living Communities
  • Social Conditions
  • Training of the Health Personnel
  • Economy
  • Research
  • Private Health Insurance
  • Statutory Health Insurance
  • Nursing Care Insurance
  • Pension Insurance
  • Accident Insurance, employers' liability insurance association
  • other
Symbolbild Health Monitoring

Health Monitoring

  • Journal of Health Monitoring
  • Booklets/‌focus reports at a glance
  • Health Reports
  • Contributions to GBE
  • GBE kompakt
  • other
Logo GBE News


New information items: Organ donation and transplantation

The data from the statistics "Organ donation and transplantation in Germany" of the German Organ Transplantation Foundation were extended by the year 2023.


Selected Information on the Occasion of the International Day of Deaf on 24 September 2024


Selected Information on the Occasion of the Dental Hygiene Day on 25 September 2024