The most comprehensive collection of data on our healthcare system.

We offer you more than three billion figures and ratios free of charge in the form of clear tables. The online database of federal health reporting (GBE) brings together health data and health information from over 100 different sources in a central location, including many surveys by the federal and state statistical offices, but also surveys by numerous other institutions from the health sector.

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Citation Recommendation

Recommendation for citation when using data from

Citation of text, diagram or table (e.g. from a GBE booklet)

Recommended reference:
Author or editor (publication year) title, series, booklet number, title of diagram (or table) (if available: primary source: data owner and name of data source). place of publcation. In (if applicable: path of search), date of data retrieval.

Robert Koch Institute (2006) HIV and AIDS, Federal Health Reporting, booklet 31, figure 8 Evolution of cases of death due to HIV, (primary source: Federal Statistcal Office, Causes of Death Statistics). Berlin. In (keyword search: HIV; document type: texts). retrieval date: 12-07-30

Citation of single numbers from a diagram or table

Recommended reference:
Title of diagram (or table). Primary source: data owner and name of data source. In (if applicable: path of search), date of data retrieval.

Cost of illness per inhabitant in Euro (Primary source: Federal Statistical Office, Cost-of-illness accounts). In (Search by topics: Expenditures, cost and financing ¿ costs in general ¿ document type: tables). Date of retrieval: 12-03-28.

Advice for data assurance when using ad hoc tables

Download the table (e.g. as CSV-file by mouseclick on the floppy disk symbol) and save it. Make a note of the search path.


Declaration of the complete URL is not recommended, because it does not guarantee a later call of the table.