Persons insured in the Statutory Health Insurance in inpatient hospices (benefit days and cases, days per case). Classification: years, Germany, sex, type of statutory health insurance organization, type of hospice)

Shown values refer to:
Sex: All sexes, Type of statutory health insurance organization: Statutory health insurance institutions total, Type of hospices: Hospices total

Indicators for inpatient hospicesYear (descending)
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 
Benefit cases35,82138,80337,73138,22939,86243,020
Benefit days744,934896,719814,529841,574869,266928,675
Benefit days per case20.8023.1121.5922.0121.8121.59
Table was compiled on 19. Apr 2024 7:40 under
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Table shows following page dimension(s)New selection:
DimensionCurrent dimension valueList of dimension values
SexAll sexes
Type of statutory health insurance organizationStatutory health insurance institutions total
Type of hospicesHospices total

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Type of statutory health insurance organization
Type of hospices
Indicators for inpatient hospices
The table has 18 cells (3 rows and 6 columns).  

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The Federal Health Monitoring System 19. Apr 2024