Average height (in meters) and weight (in kilograms) of the population. Classification: years, Germany, age, sex

Shown values refer to:
Year: 2021, Sex: All sexes

Height in m Weight in kg 
Under 1 year..
1 year to under 2 years..
2 to under 3 years..
3 to under 4 years..
4 to under 5 years..
5 to under 6 years..
6 to under 7 years..
7 to under 8 years..
8 to under 9 years..
9 to under 10 years..
10 to under 11 years..
11 to under 12 years..
12 to under 13 years..
13 to under 14 years..
14 to under 15 years..
15 to under 16 years1.7163.0
16 to under 17 years1.7466.5
17 to under 18 years1.7467.2
collapse18 years and older1.7277.7
18 to under 20 years1.7570.8
20 to under 25 years1.7572.7
25 to under 30 years1.7475.2
30 to under 35 years1.7477.5
35 to under 40 years1.7478.3
40 to under 45 years1.7479.3
45 to under 50 years1.7480.7
50 to under 55 years1.7480.6
55 to under 60 years1.7380.6
60 to under 65 years1.7279.8
65 to under 70 years1.7178.7
70 to under 75 years1.7077.9
75 years and older1.6873.7
Table was compiled on 24. Apr 2024 16:5 under www.gbe-bund.de
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DimensionCurrent dimension valueList of dimension values
SexAll sexes

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The Federal Health Monitoring System 24. Apr 2024